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tv   Lockup  MSNBC  November 10, 2013 2:00am-3:01am PST

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all victims were believed to be randomly selected. stopped by the killers who were driving around asking directions then fwunigunning down the vict >> the city is shocked by a major shooting spree on a major religious holiday. >> i would say to the perpetrator, we're coming for
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you. >> two suspects are booked in the jail and one of them is talking. >> he's hunting. looking for the next victim. >> the recently arrived inmate catches the attention of staff and other inmates. >> he's out there shaking his wang at everybody which is not something you do to a bunch of eyes in orange. >> i don't rob and steal. a swipe and a swindle. >> then a father of five is headed to prison but now his pregnant girlfriend visit with haunting news from home. >> i got bruises and scratches all over my back and it's not anybody in the house with me. what is it? tulsa, oklahoma lies at the
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intersection of two of the nation's best known symbolic locations. it's where tornado alley meets the bible belt. >> can't buy alcohol on sundays. it's that kind of town. 2:00 in the morning, 4:00 in the morning you'll be hard pressed to find something other than an all night restaurant that's open. for some of us that's okay. that's tulsa. still small enough to be home. >> are you all right? >> yeah. >> all right. you know we have a chaplain you can talk to if you need to. >> she run what is is arguably the largest home in tulsa. the david l. moss criminal justice center, better known as the tulsa county jail. >> breakfast of champions. >> about 1800 men and women are incarcerated here. most are only accused of crimes and are awaiting trial for the resolution of their cases. but two men booked into the jail almost one year earlier stand out from most of the rest. the crimes with which they were
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charged sent shockwaves throughout the city on one of its most sacred days. good friday. >> three people found dead. two others injured. all within just miles of each other in a tulsa, oklahoma neighborhood. >> this is something we've never seen in tulsa, oklahoma. >> it started early friday morning when a woman was found fatally wounded in a residential neighborhood. minutes later two men were found injured just two blocks away. less than an hour after that another man was found shot to death. and seven hours later a fifth victim, dead from a gunshot wound in the parking lot of a funeral home. >> i want to say to the perpetrator and anybody that would attempt to aid him we're coming for you. >> all five victims of the good friday shootings were african american. a city-wide manhunt lead to the arrests of 19-year-old jacob england and 32-year-old alvin
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watts. >> police believe the victims were targeted at random. >> it sickens me and angers me. this is not what tulsa, oklahoma is about. >> the men were booked into the jail and placed in single person segregation sells for their own protection. >> they were so high profile and it created such a media frenzy. >> they have remained in them since. they're rarely around other inmates. >> they never got a chance to go to general pop because they were so sensationalized they wouldn't have stood a chance. >> jacob england was charged with ten felonies and pled not guilty to all of them. >> i'm in here on three counts of first-degree murder. two shooting with intent to kill and five hate crimes. that's what they say i'm in here for is good friday shooter.
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>> my father was killed by a black man in 2010. and i guess two years on his second anniversary, somebody went around shooting black people and they're saying it was me and my co-defendant for retaliation. >> england says he witnessed the shooting death of his father two years earlier. the accused shooter, an african american man was arrested but later released on grounds of self-defense. alvin watts was a friend of england's father. he was england's roommate at the time of the good friday shootings. he's charged with the same. >> we were sitting around the house, popping pills, xanaxs and once i had so many of those in me i didn't care anymore.
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and we wanted to go out and do revenge. we wanted to -- we wanted to avenge his dad's death. >> i went to sleep that night, woke up the next morning and it was all over the news. people were scared to come out at night. they didn't know what was going on and i never said nothing to anybody. but my co-defendant was boasting about it and the cat was out of the bag. before we know it, just several people calling in to crime stoppers. >> tulsa community pulled together and they knew what was important. they were more than willing to help us bring these guys and aprehead them. >> what's your statement about this whole thing? guilty? not guilty? >> not guilty. >> do you have an alibi for that period of time?
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>> no. no, i don't. >> prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. >> hey, alvin. >> hey, sergeant. >> getting quite a library in there alvin. >> yeah, i sure am. >> are you reading them, though? that's the big thing? or is it just you put them by your head and hope they sink in. >> yeah, a little bit of both. >> he runs the segregation unit. he says he checks in with england and watts daily to make sure they're holding up emotionally. >> how are you doing upstairs? do you know what i'm saying? >> yeah. i'm good. >> you know, i get mental health in here too if you need to. >> i've been good. >> i've never really had any type of drastic mood change in alvin. alvin has always been alvin. he's just, he's there. alvin is a tricky one. those are the ones you have to
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watch close for subtle changes there maybe in their behavior or things in their cell that maybe subtly changed. you have to watch them real close. >> all right alvin. >> all right sergeant. >> coming up. >> five black people. we shot them all down, killing three of them. >> alvin watts opens up. and. >> i was brushing my teeth at the same time. >> the case of bad hygiene leads to a pair of jailhouse assaults.
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inches with about 1800 inmates or some 250 more than it was designed to hold, personal hygiene or the lack there of has been known to be a source of frustration inside the tulsa county jail. >> it stinks. >> lots of febreeze.
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>> they can't live like this. >> i've never smelled women so stink i c stinky in my life. >> one bathroom in here that's nasty. >> it stinks but it's what we do. >> adam curry says good hygiene is important to him. >> adam curry. >> adam curry. >> why do you have a tooth brush in your mouth. >> i was brushing my teeth. >> you're going to need to brush your teeth later. >> okay. >> well, take it to your cell. >> a couple of hours later curry would become the perpetrator and victim of hygiene related assaults. >> we had an inmate or inmate assault in j-5. mr. curry and mr. good got into a physical confrontation so both of them were taken out of j-5. >> the fight between inmate chad good and curry apparently began after curry felt the third inmate smelled bad.
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so he doused the inmate with a fix tour of water, tooth paste, and salt. >> the young man is a little too young and too small to stand up to a guy that big. >> i asked him about it. he didn't deny it so i sent him on the pod and while he was there he was standing there whipping his penis out and shaking it at the inmates and they told him they were going to smash him out and then he started apologizing and they said we'll leave you alone. don't do it again and then he starts laughing at them and taunting them while he's doing it. >> obnoxious. >> he's out there in the sally port shaking his wang at everybody which is not something you do to guys in orange. we've been locked up awhile. but not that long. >> we let him get to the cell and walked in behind him. >> and? >> started swinging. everybody wanted him gone.
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i just think nobody really had the guts to go in and do anything about it. >> that guy beat my brains in, but, hey, you know, i signed a waiver saying i wouldn't press charges and hopefully he did too because i didn't even get one lick in. were you surprised that this reaction occurred when you exposed yourself to these guys? >> no. well, yes and no. and this was after a threw a cup of tooth paste and soap on a guy's head. what a heathen thing to do. >> the guy did stink but the way he went about it. >> since there's serious injuries and no one wants to file a complaint or charges against the other, they decided
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not to take measures. >> we look at it as mutual combat and we said we would put them in new pods. that's how we're going to do it. we're going to rehouse both of them. >> curry has three prior drug related convictions that resulted in two separate prison stays. recently he's been in and out of jail on bond while racking up new charges of burglary, grand larceny and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. he pled not guilty to all of his charges but the most recent arrest got off to bad start. >> i got hungry and started making noises. i'm hungry. i'm hungry. >> so curry spit on the cell surveillance camera. >> first of all, they had to restrain me because i was being obnoxious and loud. that's the right thing to do for everybody else's safety around me for anybody acting psychotic. >> he causes issues every time he comes to jail. so i can see why he comes to jail. >> while curry might have an eye
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for trouble -- >> ain't nobody got no coffee. >> robert green has an eye for hustling. >> i'm a hus letttler by any me necessary. i don't rob and steal. i swipe and a swindle. >> ain't nobody got no coffee, man. >> green says his ability to hustle served him well in jail and prison. [ speaking foreign language ] >> as well as on the streets. >> if i knew somebody who was wanting a flat screen tv and i knew where one was at, i'd say i'll take it over there and make it happen. versatility was my job. just being a versatile person and keeping my ear to the streets. that's who i am. i'm a hustler by any means necessary. i would wear two different pairs of jordans. why you got that on?
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because i i ka. next time you see me i will. nobody does that. why? because i'm different. >> yes, yes it s. ain't got no sugar, though. >> but green's life style also landed him in jail and prison numerous times over the past 16 years. he was recently sentenced to five years for possession of drugs and a stolen vehicle. he's due to be transferred to state prison and says he's ready. >> i know i'm a born leader and that's why i'm above a lot of other people. i'm not egotistical. >> he is also a member of the indian brotherhood or ibh. it's designated as a gang. >> i'm a warrior and i stand up for my people and i believe in my people. >> but green says he hopes his five children do not follow into the indian brotherhood.
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>> because they would have to go to prison. do you want your babies go to prison? no. i want my kids to grow up to make something of themselves. i love my babies. >> green now has a 6th child on the way with his fiancee. >> my fiancee, that's the light of my life. that is the better half of me. she showed me what real love was and i understood what a good woman was whenever i met her and she made me better. so we shine together. >> coming up -- >> what's happening to you? >> i don't know but it ain't the good lord. >> she comes for a visit but she is bearing some dark news. >> somebody told me i needed to go to a catholic church. >> and -- >> i was real big daddy's boy. >> jacob england opens up about the murder of his own father two years earlier on good friday. c. yep, everybody knows that.
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well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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>> segregation inmates at the tulsa county jail are locked in their cells. their one hour out can be spent in the shower or rec yard. >> how are you doing? >> sergeant colette says he frequently checked in with the inmates and helps them adapt to the isolation. >> the brain is powerful and you can fail to flourish and will yourself to death. i don't want that in here. that's like i tell these guys. i want you reading and doing a little exercise in your cell. if i wanted mushrooms back here, i'd be a gardener. what i saw to them is free your mind, you'll follow. >> he's been in segregation for nearly a year. he also participated in extracurricular activity with some of his neighbors. they call it cadillacing and it involves using strings to pass
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items between cells. >> what you are you doing? >> cadillacing a soup. he's going to come down off the top run and i'm going to pull it in and then push back underneath the door and he's going to pull it back up to his cell. >> why? >> so he can have something to eat. >> that's not good. >> i've been doing it about ten months and i've gotten practiet good. cadillac every day. >> do you do it every day? >> yeah, just about. >> you do it every day and get
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caught every day? >> yeah, because they watch us on the cameras. >> with easter approaching so too is the one year anniversary of his arrest. he's been charged with three counts of murder, two attempted measures and five hate crimes. he and his co-defendant are accused of going on a shooting spree against african americans. >> all are believed to be randomly selected. stopped by the killers driving around asking directions and gunning down the victims. >> the shootings occurred not only on good friday but it was also the two year anniversary of the death of england's father. carl england was fatally shot at age 47 by an african american man that was acquitted on grounds of self-defense. >> i was a big daddy's boy. he took care of me and both of my sisters. always worked together and road sho horses and stuff. the guy killed my dad because my dad was racist and he raised me
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to be racist. but i've tried not to be so in here. i've tried to change my ways. >> it's a waiting game for his co-defendant who is in another segregation unit. he has another way of coping with a life of solitude. >> i have shampoo bottles and conditioners and lotion bottles all lined up in order. that's something i was diagnosed with called ocd and have to have everything in a particular order or color. lining that up, it helps me cope. it helps me feel organized. i don't like to feel out of organized or anything like that. >> watts and england could face the death penalty if found guilty of their murder charges. while they both pled not guilty in court, watts says they did it. >> we wasn't talking or anything. it was like we were hunting. like just, you know, looking for the next victim. looking for that next person.
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five black people and we shot them all down killing three of them and two of them survived. after that, we didn't talk or anything about it. we just went straight home. we didn't even talk about it when we got home. i'm flabbergasted when i think about it. i can't believe i done this. i wake up every day in the cell. the same cell, why did i do this? how could do this? >> coming up -- >> i think it's because of the baby. but i don't want them to hurt me. >> robert green gets a disturbing visit. and. >> oh, i was making them mad. >> adam curry discovers not everyone finds his situation as humorous as he does. >> mom, don't cry. don't cry.
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hey there, here's what's happening. more than a half million people have been evacuated as typhoon haiyan hits vietnam on sunday after devastating the
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philippines. up to 10,000 people are dead in the central philippines. most killed by drowning and from collapsed buildings. secretary of state john kerry says iran and six world powers made significance progress in talks but they made no activity on the iran nuclear activities. now back to "lockup". >> due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. shut that door. let's go. >> inside the tulsa county jail, many of the inmates and officers alike say they live by give respect to get respect. >> let's go. open these doors. get in them. let's go. >> robert green who is awaiting transfer to prison to serve five
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years for possession of drugs and a stolen vehicle says respect is part of his heritage. >> the native americans respect the earth. they respect everything around them. >> and green says it was a matter of respect that recently lead him to a brief stay in administrative segregation. >> i got in a fight. somebody said too many words to me. i had to punch him in the face. yeah. felt bad afterwards, though. because i got a heart now. i actually care. i actually care now. back then i didn't give [ bleep ]. but now i do care. like i shouldn't have punched on that dude, man. >> green says the fight wasn't entirely his fault. >> the devil is a very subtle and very sneaky person. the devil knows whenever you want to do good. >> so when you beat up that guy, was that the devil. >> yes. and then after i was like, man, that ain't me no more. but what is me? i'm just me. that's who i am.
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i'm baby drop. everybody else going to call me robert green. that's my government name but i'm baby drop. >> his nickname baby drop comes from his ear drop tattoos which represent his hard life growing up. >> i live a hard and bad life. do i regret it? no. because if you regret the past you can never move straightforward in your life. >> i know god has chosen me to do something great with my life. i know how to listen and see in a spiritual sense. >> how is it that me and my girl can visit and she can put her head down and i can ask her are you listening to me and she can shake her head yes? how is it that i can seek my girl out in my mind and she seeks me out on the same base. it's sad when we're not together because it's like a broken heart. >> while green says he has a telepathic relationship with his fiancee he is unable to actually touch her while in jail but they do get weekly visits. >> hey, baby. >> how you doing, momma.
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>> i'm good. >> you good. >> she is three months pregnant with green's 6th child and she agrees they have a psychic connection. but lately it's taken a dark turn. >> a lot of things that's happened in his life and whatever he is going through or been put through, it's kind of like rubbed off on me a little bit. >> what is that about? >> if i told somebody i don't think they would ever believe me. so i really don't talk about it. >> what is it? what's happening to you? >> i don't know. but it ain't the good lord. >> you need blistex. >> that's why my lips are dry right now. >> mine too. >> it's because yours are. i got something to tell you, though. you remember what you told me a long time ago about your momma. it's happening to me. i got bruises and scratches all over my back. i felt it last night for the first time.
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and today when i got up, tara said that i had like finger marks on my back. i even got them on my sides. they're like beating me up. kind of roughing me up. i don't know -- and it's not anybody in the house with me. what is it? >> it's the bad. and god knows that i'm trying to do right and that's why he is sending all the bad stuff. >> i know that. i told you that. that's why you ran away from me like a kid. >> you knew how i used to be. >> know. >> there's no more hate in my heart. all there is is love. >> i told you a long time ago all you had to do was stop cursing him and stop doing -- i don't know. is it vodoo? what is it? is it black magic? i need to know. >> all you have to do is call my brother. my brother can take you to the medicine man who can slow this
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down. >> slow it down? you mean it's not -- i remember you telling me a long time agatha there's something that comes with you. and with the things that i've been seeing, how i've been feeling, like, i think it's because of the baby. but i don't want them to hurt me. >> leave tobacco out. >> i can't even stand a cigarette right now. >> at night, whenever you're sleeping. >> it happens when i'm sleeping. i don't know what's going on. you used to talk to me, remember that? >> at night when you're sleeping leave tobacco out because little people love tobacco. >> at night when you're sleeping leave tobacco out. the it's the little people that's messing with you. >> i know. >> they're tricksters. just leave tobacco out. >> it's not cool. somebody told me i needed to go to a catholic church. >> you have to talk to my brother because i have no idea.
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i just know tobacco. but you have to call mike. >> okay. >> her injury as piies appear t healed. but that hasn't eased her concerns. he told me a long time agatha something like this might occur. he tried to even push himself away from me telling me that i deserve more. which i know i do but he's my more. >> it's just bad medicine somebody put on me a long time ago and they're just messing with my girl now. i'll see you later okay. >> i love you too. bye. >> green's troubles are back home, adam curries are now inside the jail. he was recently the victim of an assault after he tried to give one inmate a lesson in hygiene and then followed it up by giving some others an unwanted
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show. >> he had an issue with an inmate smelling so he poured water and soap down his back. come to find out, supposedly he exposed his generitals while he was in the sally port. when he was in the cell mr. good started attacking him. >> curry might not be a popular inmate but as he awaits trial on three charges including assault and battery with a deadly weapon, he does have at least one person he can turn to for support. >> hello. hey, mom. yeah. yeah. well, yeah. yeah. i mean, i was being a little arrogant with the tongue. yeah, me. you got it. oh, i was making him mad. i was stirring up like grandma jewel would say.
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if you don't want to smell it, don't stir it. i was stirring it and smelling. i've got one or two lumps on my head. but i'll be all right. what was that? did your voice just crack? mom. don't cry. don't cry. if you don't stop crying i'm going to try and make up a joke that's either going to make you puke or make you laugh. yeah. yeah. if you promise to come down and see me later. let's end it on a good note. i love you, mom. okay. bye. don't bye. >> so that was your mother. >> that was my mom. >> how was that? sounded like she got a little emotional. what was going on? >> she was a little emotional. she was worried about, you know,
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her baby. >> i love my mother. she came to visit me yesterday. i don't know if i made her cry or the circumstances that i put myself into made her cry. but it's unfortunate to see your own mother cry and know that you're the cause. it hurts and breaks my heart. >> coming up. >> he smelled like crap. he smelled like feces. >> so you became the enforcer? >> no, more of a messenger. >> he hashes things out with the jail psychiatrist and a new twist in the good friday shooting case. >> in our statements each one of us was implicating the other one. so they'll have us separated. campbell's chunky new england clam chowder. wow! this is incredible! i know. and now it has more clams! [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. what? [ male announcer ] it fills you up right.
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the tulsa county jail has found itself in the same troubling position as thousands of other jails throughout the
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nation. besides housing people accused or convicted of crime, it's also become the primary mental health facility. we don't film inmates deemed to be severely mentally ill because they cannot consent. hundreds of others suffer from a range of disorders that often contribute to inappropriate behavior and require medication prescribed by the jail's consulting psychiatrist. >> at any one time, i have 500 detainees on medication. this is a jail with 1800 detainees. there's a number of limitations. we don't have enough psychiatrists here. we're doing the best we can with what is typical for correction facilities which is limited resources. being out of the public eye. we need to raise the consciousness that there's more people receiving mental health care in correctional facilities than any other facility combined. if we took all the mental health series in the country and all
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the private hospitals and lumped them together, more people get mental health care in correctional facilities than any other facility. >> curry. >> yes, sir. >> can you come see me. >> sure i can see you. >> adam curry has agreed to a psychiatric evaluation after his actions lead him to be assaulted. >> have you had problem with the other detainees here? >> yeah. >> like what? >> these guys waited until i was literally on the crapper and they came in and started swinging on me. >> why were they targeting you do you suppose? >> well, throwing soap and toothpaste on someone. does that really warrant physical brutality? >> that was something that you did? you put soap and toothpaste on someone? >> yeah. i did. the guy stunk. he smelled like feces. >> so you became the enforcer?
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>> no, i became more of a messenger. >> do you have depression? >> sure, i mean i'm depressed. my son's birthday was the other day and i missed it because i'm being charged with some ludicrous theft. >> the kind of depression i'm talking about is depression that's disabling. where you can't concentrate well. sleep is affected. you don't have any energy. >> energy is not really that big of a problem. >> do you have manic episodes where your thoughts race and you can't slow down. >> absolutely. all the time. >> and big ideas and big plans. >> big ideas all the way to well how am i going to end my life right now because i don't want anyone to know what i'm thinking. >> wow, that would be the reason to end your life right then. >> yeah, so no one -- so they can have the same -- so the wrong person doesn't get my -- >> because it's so powerful.
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>> it feels so powerful and consuming. >> have you been cesuicidal recently? >> yeah, because i don't want to impact people's lives in a negative manner and sometimes i feel like -- well, not really -- i mean, i couldn't -- that would be so selfish of me and so devastating to my son. i just -- i couldn't do it. >> all right. those thoughts enter your mind. i might as well end it. >> because i don't want to be detrimental to my son. >> right now, we have an opportunity to help somebody that in the past has fallen through the cracks. i think he has wanted to fall through the cracks. i think he has forced himself through the cracks. >> then what you and i could do is we can agree right now on some medication. >> certainly. >> that you would like to try first. >> we need to try to slow his thoughts down. help him collect his thoughts.
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>> all right. >> see you in about a week? >> yes, sir. >> go head back out. >> so he has a good mind in there, i think. he just hasn't been able to use it and that's the tragedy of his situation and many of the people that come through jail. >> coming up -- >> it's the anniversary of the good friday shooting so i need to speak with jacob england and alvin watts. >> and. >> fixing to go get baptized today. >> robert green attempts to wash away the bad.
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every day, dozens of inmates at the tulsa county jail are transported to and from court. most move through the jail in large groups. but when it comes to jacob england and alvin watts, exceptions must be made. >> because of mr. watt's level in our classification system
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everybody has to face the wall. they're not allowed to look at him. we don't want the other inmates recognizing him because of tv showing the case and what's going on. so the last thing we want with safety and security to be the number one factor would for him to be recognizable and inmate tries to assault him or word bs exchanged. >> the two defendants have been charged with three counts of first-degree murder, three counts of attempted murder and five hate crimes. both fled not guilty. but after their last trip to court, england and watts are no longer co-defendants. >> in our statements each one of us was implicating the other one. so they'll have us separated. >> and how do you feel about being separated from jacob? >> better. there's a lot more on him than me. there's a lot more evidence on him. >> i haven't talked to alvin since last time we went to court. he won't talk back to me.
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he won't say anything really. he looks like a sad pup sitting there. i'm thinking he might try to testify against me to get life without parole. >> the two men used to live together before their arrests have been in separate segregation units. >> since they're locked down for 23 hours a day they seem to get really emotional. the confinement. so getting them outside is a chance for them to get out and see the sky. the sun's out. play wall ball, exercise. they express themselves and gets their emotions out. >> england says he is planning what to do. should he be sent to prison for all if not most of his life. >> i always said if i went to prison i'd wind up joining them. i have indian in me. they're pretty loyal. i have a couple of people on the outside that knows the chiefs. they say they're waiting on me when i get there. they say i'm like a celebrity to them. >> why. >> because of how high profile
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my case is. >> while england seems prepared for whatever fate awaits him. the sergeant has grown concerned about watts. >> alvin watt's demeanor changed and that concerns me. i'm always looking in the cell and seeing what's changed. he's become more reclusive. he used to have a lot of stuff written on the walls. it's all gone. if you learn to read what the inmates have written on the walls, it's a picture into their mind into what's going on with them. and i don't like blank slates. that worries me. >> watts has even begun to decline the one hour per day he's allowed outside his cell. >> we're going to see if alvin watts wants to go out to rec. he has always been offered daily and he just decides not to go. >> mr. watts, would you like to
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go out to rec? come on mr. watts. you haven't been out in a couple of weeks. come on. >> this time, watts agrees and is escorted to the rec yard. >> just get out there and move around. >> today is significant for another reason. it's good friday. the one year anniversary of the shooting spree that brought england and watts to jail. >> wish it never would have happened. i wish things would have went a lot more differently. spend easter sunday with your families and do what you usually do instead of just alone away from my family. >> it's the anniversary of the good friday shootings so i need to speak with jacob england and alvin watts just to make sure their mental health -- this is a time when it's going to weigh the heaviest on their minds. so we do need to keep an eye on
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them. >> how are you doing? >> i'm all right. >> are you? >> just hanging in here. >> i'll check on alvin too today. >> are you? >> yeah. >> i heard he's a strange dude. >> alvin's gotten real quite. >> has he? >> yeah. >> when i talk to jacob he's pretty outgoing. how are you doing today? i'm doing okay for being in circumstances. yeah, doing all right. all of a sudden his hair is cut different. completely cutoff. he wasn't his normal self. he was just like yeah, i'm here. >> my mental health staff is gone for today. of course, holiday. >> good friday. >> yeah. >> yeah, unfortunately. >> unfortunately. >> it's our day. >> if you need me just hollar at me. i'll be here until about 7:00 tonight. >> i do not condone what these people have done or are accused
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of. my concern is being while they're in here i'm governed by state and federal laws that i must do these things and i am mandated to do these things. i don't have to like it. a lot of times i don't like it. but i do it because i'm the one responsible for making sure these machindates are met. >> hey, alvin. >> hey, sergeant collette. >> how you doing? >> i'm doing pretty good. >> all right. you know why i come by to check on you. it's the anniversary of allegedly what you had done. >> yeah. >> and i want to check on you mentally. are you hanging in there? do i need to get mental health here? >> i'm good. i'm good. >> are you? >> yeah. >> with alvin, he's pretty much just started to give up. and before this escalates to where we have a serious issue, we need to get that turned. not because i am a bleeding
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heart for an inmate, i don't want an inmate dead in one of my cells. >> all right, man. >> all right. >> while watts and england mark an ominous anniversary, robert green has been fighting his own demons and to him and his fiancee, these demons are real. >> i got bruises and scratches all over my back. and it's not anybody in the house with me. what is it? >> it's the bad. >> green says when it comes to fighting the evil spirits he calls the bad, he's decided to start with himself. >> i'm fixing to go get baptized today. i'm going to get baptized because i know i'm ready to go get baptized and i just feel that it's going to bring me closer to the lord and that's what i'm doing today. >> quite. stay about an arms length away from one another. stay together, single file. you know, we're doing this for
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the lord, amen? >> amen. >> and we want to be a good representation as we walk down that hallway. god bless you. >> every 90 days we baptize between 150 to 200 people. and the reason for that is every 90 days it's a complete change over in population here. >> robert, have you accepted jesus christ as your personal savior and lord? >> yes, i have. >> all right. hold your nose. >> robert i baptize you in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit buried in the likeness of his death and raised in the likeness of his resurrection. thank you, lord. >> i feel great. i feel blessed now. my body feels energized. i just feel better, you know?
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i know this is another step for me getting closer to the lord and where i need to be because i know the lord wouldn't have put me through all of this i have gone to and the more i listen to the lord and humble myself the more i'm going to know what his will is for me. but whenever my time comes and my number gets called to shine for him, i'm going to do it.
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everything that you think you know about the casey anthony case is probably wrong. >> it was a trial of epic proportions. >> the state of florida versus casey marie anthony. >> every flinch under the microscope of the press. but behind the scenes, there was another story. how the casey anthony defense team pulled off one of the most unexpected victories in history. >> we the jury find the defendant not guilty. >> a secret autopsy in the middle of the night. >> i went to walmart at 3:00 in the morning to buy a saw to saw open caylee anthony's skull.


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